LASO Transportes Biggest Fan Gets a Surprise Gift

LASO Transportes SA

The transports we carry out when it comes to wind power always aroused everyone’s curiosity and amazement.
On Madeira Island, the curiosity of the Madeiran people, who waited for us in each tunnel and roundabout, was even more precious.
But since we can’t talk about everyone, let’s talk about one in particular. Ecuador de Freitas.
This boy followed all the transports carried out, with the curiosity so typical of children, becoming a great friend of all our colleagues who were on Madeira Island.
With the end of the project, he was saddened, as were our colleagues who already considered him a member of the LASO family.
In order to always remember us, and to meet your dream, we send you some memories.
On behalf of LASO and all your new friends, our thanks!  #estamosjuntos

Thanks to Lidia who sent me this lovely story, and such a great gift from the company, making her son a very happy little man. 

See Photo Gallery Below.