The President of the Regional Government, Miguel Albuquerque, will visit the Mercadinho de Natal, which opened on December 8th and runs until January 9th, 2022, at the central sign on Avenida Arriaga
The Christmas Market holds 20 booths, properly decorated. This year, food and beverages are once again allowed for consumption on site.
Miguel Albuquerque’s office recalls, in a statement, that rules will have to be complied with for entering the space, which is prohibited.
“It was determined by the Regional Health Authority the obligation to present the Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate and an antigen test carried out within the limit of one week”, stresses the source.
The event opens every day at 10:00 am, closing from Sunday to Thursday at 10:00 pm. On Fridays and Saturdays, as well as on the 23rd, 30th and 31st of December, it closes at 2:00 am on the following day.
From 18:00 onwards, there is only one entrance, on the west side of the Central Board, and the capacity is controlled.
The President of the Government will also visit the Ethnographic Village, in Largo da Restauração. An initiative that seeks to represent, live, various traditions, handicrafts, gastronomy, folklore and two traditional nativity scenes, promoting Madeira’s material and immaterial culture.
The Madeira Embroidery and Regional Handicraft pavilion is also on display at the site.
As part of the Christmas Market, various concerts will take place at the Placa Central (47 shows) and also performances by folklore groups and philharmonic bands
The Christmas and New Year festivities in 2021 involve a budget allocation of 635,000 euros for animation, logistics and associated projects (such as the Christmas Market) and 1,085 million euros for fireworks.
There is also an amount of 2.9 million euros for Lighting, which is based on a competition that spans two years (2020 and 2021).