The levels of precipitation recorded this afternoon (until 9 pm) provided 13 records within the yellow warning parameters (10 to 20 mm/1h and 30 to 40 mm/6h) in nine of the 21 meteorological stations of the IPMA network in the Region.
With particular incidence on the south coast and mountainous regions, the amount of rain reached ‘double’ yellow warning levels (1h and 6h) in Santa Cruz/Aeroporto, Funchal/Observatório, Cancela/SRPC and Chão do Areeiro.
In the 1-hour interval, the most significant extreme value was recorded at Chão do Areeiro (18.7 mm), while for the 6-hour interval, the highest accumulated record was recorded in Cancela/SRPC.
In six meteorological stations the rain, punctually heavy, reached the yellow warning value in just half an hour. This was verified in Santa Cruz/Airport, Funchal/Observatory, Cancela/SRPC, Lugar de Baixo/Ponta do Sol, Chão do Areeiro and Monte.
Until 9 pm, the Chão do Areeiro station recorded the highest accumulation on this ‘wet’ Wednesday with a total of 42.9 liters per square meter.
On the north coast and in Porto Santo, precipitation was not very significant.