The Food Bank collection campaign will take place this weekend at national level, and in Madeira the initiative will take place tomorrow and on Sunday, as reported by Fátima Aveiro, president of the Food Bank in Madeira, in statements on the radio 88.8 JMFM.
She also recalled that, also on Sunday, the ‘Ajuda Vale’ campaign comes to an end, at Pingo Doce. “If you prefer to donate a voucher instead of food, you can do so until Sunday, and also online, through”, she said.
Recognizing that bag campaigns with volunteers in supermarkets are the ones that collect the most food, the person responsible reinforces the appeal to the population to make a donation this weekend if they go to a supermarket.
“We can all help these families have a better Christmas”, she highlighted.
Note that anyone who wants to volunteer for this cause can still do so by contacting the Food Bank in Madeira.