Cofôfo says he is convinced that “a change of government is possible” in Madeira

Paulo Cafôfo continues to believe that it is possible to remove the PSD from the Regional Government of Madeira. “A change of government is possible,” stated the president of the PS-M.

The PS’s accounts are simple: PS and JPP have more votes and deputies than the PSD.

Cafôfo did not want to say whether there has already been any contact with the JPP or another party, only that he will enter into contact with all parties in the new Legislative Assembly, with the exception of the red lines, which he has always defined: PSD and Chega.

In this sense, he called on the responsibility of others to force policies, so that “more and better can be done for Madeira.

In the understanding of socialists, the “PSD is unable to guarantee a stable Government” in the Region.

From Diário Notícias