PSP arrests four thieves in Funchal, three of whom were remanded in custody

In recent days, the PSP has arrested four men, born and resident in Funchal, aged between 20 and 49, for having carried out three cases of burglary and robbery of a person. The information was released in a note signed by the regional commander of this police force, Gualter Gomes.

The first incident occurred in the early hours of Wednesday morning, on Avenida Sá Carneiro. The police patrol caught two suspects red-handed, who were assaulting a 62-year-old man with the intention of stealing around 80 euros in cash. These suspects had already been cited for the same type of crime in five separate incidents. They were brought before the court, charged with the crime of robbery, and their preventive detention was ordered.

The second case occurred on Wednesday afternoon, on Rua Alferes Veiga Pestana. The police patrol caught a suspect who was in possession of 10 kilos of fruit stolen from the backyard of a residence, which he had accessed by climbing a wall approximately two meters high. The court ordered the arrest of his identity and residence as a coercive measure, and he is released pending the investigation, and is indicted for the crime of theft.

The third case occurred on Thursday afternoon, in Travessa do Frazão (Imaculado Coração de Maria). After a police chase of a suspect who had just committed a theft inside a residence located in Travessa dos Moleiros, he was intercepted in possession of a watch and other jewelry, worth a total of 255 euros. All stolen goods/articles were returned to their rightful owners. The court decided that this defendant would be held in pre-trial detention.

From Diário Notícias