A few events coming up at the English Church December and January.
Christmas Programme:
Mon. 22nd Dec. Christmas Concert “ABRICICAS” Renaissance Christmas Music – De Palacio Ancient Music Vocal/Instrumental Ensemble. Entry 12 euros. Doors open from 5pm. Tickets on door.
Tues 23rd Dec. 7pm Service of Nine Lessons and Carols with Nativity Tableau followed by mulled wine and mince pies.
Christmas Eve 11.30pm Midnight Mass
Christmas Day: 9am Holy Communion (BCP); 11am Holy Communion
Mon. 29th Dec. 8pm FREE Concert of Portuguese Guitar Music performed by João Sá Mota
Special Announcement
On Sunday 19 October 2014 Canon John Blair launched an appeal to raise €60000 by Christmas 2014 to assist with current repair works that are either underway or planned for urgent action (e.g. church roof infested with termites.) The target will be to complete all works by 2022, the church`s 200th anniversary. Canon John kick started the appeal by making the first donation of £1000 in sterling. We are looking for 59 other people to join the Canon in donating similar amounts to the church. Payment can be made in sterling and euros, and all sterling gifts can be gift aided if you are a UK tax payer. Whatever you are able to donate will assist us in ensuring that future generations can enjoy the church as we all have.
We are also pleased to be able to inform you of some exciting news! Firstly, Holy Trinity Church´s new website is about to go live in the next few days. It will still be at an early stage of construction with events, history, news etc being added to it weekly.
The new site is: www.holytrinitychurchmadeira. com
Our blog site will continue to operate for the foreseeable future.
Also, we are pleased to announce that Holy Trinity Church now has its own Paypal account going live in 3 days time, which can be accessed directly, or through the link on the new website. To make a donation/payment directly to the church you can now use your own Paypal account and transfer funds to the church´s account by using the address: holytrinity.burningbush@ hotmail.com
The church´s account is Associação Holy Trinity and the merchant ID is 7ARFCGBHYCMM8. Please note that all money sent in this manner will be converted into euros and transferred directly into the church bank account at Millenium Bank Funchal, Madeira. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to let us know.
Kind regards,
church administrator
The new site is: www.holytrinitychurchmadeira.
Our blog site will continue to operate for the foreseeable future.
Also, we are pleased to announce that Holy Trinity Church now has its own Paypal account going live in 3 days time, which can be accessed directly, or through the link on the new website. To make a donation/payment directly to the church you can now use your own Paypal account and transfer funds to the church´s account by using the address: holytrinity.burningbush@
The church´s account is Associação Holy Trinity and the merchant ID is 7ARFCGBHYCMM8. Please note that all money sent in this manner will be converted into euros and transferred directly into the church bank account at Millenium Bank Funchal, Madeira. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to let us know.
Kind regards,
church administrator