Author Rigo 23 “shocked” by “negligence” towards the work ‘Coroa do Ilhéu’

As reported by JM, the work of art that pays homage to the fishermen of Câmara de Lobos, inaugurated in 2021, has already lost its color, sail, ropes and mast.

The artist Rigo 23, in an interview with the newspaper, states that the aim of ‘Coroa do Ilhéu’, as explained by Rigo 23, “is to remind us that that place has a lot to do with fishing, with the art of building boats – the xavelhas in particular – and with marginalized populations. ‘People lived here’ could be another title for this work; in fact, ‘Coroa do Ilhéu’ is what those who lived there called their little corner. The citizens of Câmara de Lobos, today spread across several social housing estates, with roots in that islet, are the true people portrayed in that work – as such, I understand the negligence in maintaining the work as disrespect towards them and their collective memory”, he criticizes.

When asked about the evident lack of maintenance of the ‘Coroa do Ilhéu’, the Regional Directorate of Culture guarantees that the work has already been signaled and will, by itself, be intervened, but it is dependent on funds from the Regional Budget.

From Jornal Madeira

Unfortunately its the same with almost everything , built, looks lovely, then neglected,  you could write a lust, cause the government and councils, just dont care.