The elderly woman who was detained by the PSP for disobedience in the late afternoon of Tuesday in Anadia Shopping for breaking the mandatory quarantine was again caught by the PSP in Funchal, incurring the same crime.
As DIÁRIO reported yesterday in the digital edition and today in the print edition, the Madeiran, who recently arrived from Brazil and resides in Santa Cruz, was denounced by a citizen who saw her strolling in the Anadia shopping mall, when she was forbidden to leave the home, alerting police authorities.
The woman was detained for disobedience, following the failure to comply with the active surveillance measure at home determined by the Funchal Municipal Health Authority.
After being accused, she was taken under police escort to her residence in Santa Cruz, where she is required to remain under the terms of identity and residence.
However, 12 hours later, already on Wednesday morning, the woman left the house again, moving to Funchal, and is now at Avenida do Mar, downtown Funchal.
On-site, the PSP is restarting the proceedings with a view to her arrest. According to the report in the DIÁRIO, the Police are waiting for an ambulance to arrive so that the transport can be carried out with all the conditions of safety and safeguarding public health.