The President of the Regional Government has no doubt that unemployment will increase. “It will go up, I have no doubt. I am sorry to say it, but it will go up, ”he said this morning at the press conference to publicise the new measures in the context of renewing the state of emergency.
On this occasion, Miguel Albuquerque also revealed that there are 2,528 Madeiran companies that have already requested the lay-off, corresponding to 32,736 workers in this situation. There are also 3,618 self-employed workers, the so-called green receipts, who have already asked for support.
It will be mandatory to use masks for activities of contact with the public and it is the companies and entrepreneurs who have to supply the masks to the employees, explained Miguel Albuquerque. Compliance with the measure will be monitored by the health and labour authorities. As of Wednesday, it is mandatory, businessmen have “two or three days to prepare”.