The cost of carrying out a test on the covid-19, which from 1 July will be made on arrival at Madeira airports, will be borne by the Region and not by the passenger.
A guarantee given to DIÁRIO by the regional secretary of Tourism, Eduardo Jesus, after the Government Council this afternoon. For the government official, the option “has a strategic inclination, that of affirming the Region as a safe destination, without burdening those who arrive here”, whether resident or not.
In addition, the Madeiran executive maintains as a necessary condition for entry into the Region the presentation of a negative PCR test, carried out in the last 72 hours, prior to disembarkation, or, alternatively, a PCR test on arrival.
This measure is part of the action plan for the normalization of air links discussed today and presented to the Governing Council as part of the process of deflation in the face of the covid-19 pandemic.