Thanks to Steve Basnett who sent me this information on the double testing that is in place till at least the beginning of January.
Hello Everyone,
Regarding the 2nd PCR test for Residents and Emigrants arriving, some first-hand information. There was no mention of the second test on arrival at the airport. Went straight to isolation at home anyway and stayed there. Filled in the ‘How do you feel?’ bit on the Madeira Safe website every day.
Received negative result via email early the next morning after arrival. On day three here, received email for scheduled appointment: just had the second test on day six here.
The test is at Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça in Funchal. It is outside the hospital in cabins (like at the airport) close to the main entrance at the lower end of the site. My good lady and I were both allocated the same time slot of 10:30am. We arrived at 10am, joined a short queue of a couple of people and were pointed to the second set of cabins. Just needed to give our phone numbers and nothing else. We were tested and done by 10:10am, so the time slot isn’t strict, and the waiting time was virtually nothing for us.
Walked straight back home to isolation and we are now awaiting the second test result. I know that some people have had no communication about the second test, so this experience does not translate for everyone. Just wanted to report what the process is when it works because I couldn’t find any detail about it anywhere else prior.
Good luck, and a very happy Christmas to everyone