In the two days (8 and 9) when the temperature was always below zero in Areeiro, Funchal registered values below 10ºC.
With the minimum drop to -2.2 degrees centigrade (ºC) at dawn on Monday, at the Pico do Areeiro Automatic Meteorological Station (EMA), located at 1700 meters of altitude, this is the fifth consecutive day with negative air temperatures at the highest points on the island of Madeira.
Also negative temperatures were recorded during the last night in the other two EMAs located above the 1500 level, in the case of Chão do Areeiro (1590 m), with -0.4ºC, and Bica da Cana (1560 m), with -0.1ºC .
In this cold month of January, only on days 4,5 and 6 there were no negative air temperatures.
This Monday Pico do Areeiro registers, for the fifth consecutive day, temperatures below zero. In this cold spell, these were the extremes of the minimum temperature recorded until today morning: -0.3ºC, on the 7th; -2.6ºC, days 8 and 10; -2.7ºC, day 9; -2.2ºC, day 11. Since last Thursday, in Pico do Areeiro, the ‘freezing’ days stand out on the 8th and 9th, days when the air temperature has always remained negative, with chilling maximum -1, 4ºC and -1.5ºc , respectively.
Also during these two days, we highlight the unusual minimum temperatures felt in the downtown area, to the point that in Funchal / Observatório temperatures below two digits were recorded (a rare thing along Funchal’s coastline). On the coldest days, a minimum of 9.9ºC and 9.7ºC was recorded, respectively on the 8th and 9th of January.