Whenever containment measures and restrictions are announced, due to the declaration of a new State of Emergency period, doubts arise about the application of the rules in the autonomous regions. However, the rule is always the same, since the wording of the first decree-law was corrected in March last year: the measures to be taken depend on the regional authorities.
When the decree-law is published, with the rules for confinement and closure of activities, announced this afternoon by António Costa, there will be a paragraph that refers to the regional health authorities and regional governments the adaptation of the measures, according to their pandemic reality.
Shortly after the announcement of the measures by the Prime Minister, the President of the Regional Government assured Diário Notícias that he will not change the measures announced on Monday and which went into effect today.
Among the rules adopted in Madeira is the closing of trade and other activities at 6 pm and curfew from 7 pm.
In fact, Madeira has more restrictive measures at the level of Education, maintaining distance education in the 3rd Cycle and Secondary schools.
Miguel Albuquerque maintains the intention of “not closing everything” and calling for the population to comply with the rules.