About 40 thousand students in Madeira will start another academic year as of today

Around 40,000 students and 6,500 teachers are returning to schools in Madeira as of today for the start of a school year “better strengthened to face covid-19”, said the secretary of Education of the archipelago.

“We are stronger to face the covid-19 pandemic, as we have achieved a more effective condition of disease control and prevention, which was due to the proactivity of the regional health authorities, who have always foreseen the intervention with the student population of appropriately and consistently,” declared Jorge Carvalho in the message about the beginning of the school year.

The government official greeted the educational communities and formulates “greatest success votes” for the “approximately 40,000 students, 6,500 teachers, 5,000 technicians and employees of 154 schools” who begin teaching activities today in Madeira.

The insular official stressed that “the pandemic has not been extinguished”, he warned that “the care required in its fight is still valid”, so schools maintain their respective contingency plans and specific guidelines.

From Diário Notícias