A perfect day for the opening of Quinta Torrinha

It is an investment that has unusual characteristics among the Local Accommodation (AL) offer available in Madeira. Not only because it represented an investment of 7.5 million euros by two Swiss partners, but above all because of the generous and tasteful offer that the place offers.

The architectural work of the new Quinta da Torrinha, in Funchal, managed to successfully recover the traditional trait of this old Madeiran farm, but introduced an injection of contemporaneity that brought it into the 21st century, in a project that balances current standards of beauty. and comfort with the light but omnipresent presence of Madeira’s bygone times.

The rooms don’t have too much visual noise, nor do you feel a forced or careless presence of traditional elements. Everything seems to flow from one environment to another.

The president of the Regional Government yesterday highlighted this combination during his visit to the investment and even told Matthias Hunziker, one of the partners, that the place brought back family memories.

“By chance, when I was walking in the garden, a set of childhood memories came to me”, he said, in a nostalgic tone, which he ended with a conclusive: “It was very well achieved”.

Pleased with what he had seen, the president of the Regional Government spoke of the importance of Madeira having a diversified offer. “We can have modern architecture, but when it comes to the rehabilitation of a building, this is the paradigm, the example of what rehabilitation should be, above all, of the built”, he said.

“I think this is an exceptional work for the recovery and rehabilitation of a Madeiran farm and it is a paradigm of what we intend”, he added, after having toured the buildings and gardens of this AL, which is aimed at the high-end customer. Yield.

Indeed, an apartment for two people costs 300 euros and for four people 400 euros per night.

AL wants to work in the luxury segment and work with a familiar concept.

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