Porto Santo with less and less sand on account of Porto de Abrigo

The People, Animals and Nature Party (PAN) passed through Porto Santo beach today and came across “a desolate scenario” due to the “lack of sand” on Ilha Dourada.

Citing Alberto João Jardim, who just two days ago criticized the state of the extensive beach, the PAN regional coordinator warns of the “phenomenon” that “is not new, but has gotten worse”.

“We lack sand and this happens because there are infrastructures that interrupt the natural flow of water, but also of sediments”, warns Joaquim Sousa, stressing that it is necessary “to solve the problem created by the construction of the Porto de Abrigo do Porto Santo, which prevents the circulation of sand”.

That said, PAN-Madeira follows the logic of the former president of the Regional Government and considers that it is important to listen to the people, but it is also important to “solve the problem caused by the exploitation of the sand business that removed many tons of sand from the beach, aggravated by by the oil slick of 1990”.

“Limiting the proliferation of solid waste on the coastline, ordering the type of construction to be carried out, which must be oriented according to the prevailing winds and not the view, putting into practice a rigorous Coastal Management Plan, artificially recharging the beaches , protect and restore existing dune systems, reforest the dune cord with endemic species and have the courage to demolish all constructions that are harmful to the preservation of the beach” are other ideas launched.

From Diário Notícias