Ribeira Brava City Council will move forward with a new veterinary campaign aimed at companion animals for rabies vaccination and electronic identification.
The proposal was approved at the last council meeting and aims to help Ribeira-Bravese families to bear the costs of their domestic animals. Remember that the law determines the registration of the animal between three and six months of age, deworming, rabies vaccination and electronic identification.
Aware that many families cannot afford the health costs of their pets, the Municipality again offers, for the fifth time, a veterinary campaign so that dogs and cats can enjoy better living and health conditions.
The campaign will be in charge of the Veterinary Office and will be carried out in a decentralized way in the four parishes of the municipality, on July 30th and August 6th.
Interested parties must register by July 22 at the Parish Council of their residence or through the form available at https://municipioribeirabrava.org/aplicacoes/campveter/app_login
The Campaign includes rabies vaccination, identification, registration, licensing and deworming, with 500 interventions planned in an investment of approximately 14 thousand euros. In this way, the interest of the population is safeguarded and the welfare and control of domestic animals in the municipality of Ribeira Brava is promoted.