Ribeira Brava Market Night returns in force and without restrictions this Saturday, December 17, on the seafront of the village, with an entertainment program of approximately 10 hours, according to the Municipality in a statement.
The music starts in the early afternoon, at 6 pm, with the Banda Municipal da Ribeira Brava, the choir from the Senior University, the Castanholas Group from Casa do Povo da Tabua, the Folkloric Group from Casa do Povo da Ribeira Brava, the Folklore Group from Casa do Povo do Campanário and the Grupo de Cantares from Casa do Povo from Serra de Água, in a more popular and traditional register.
At 21:45, the group ‘ED 4 Elementos’ appears, preceding the performance of the Garcias, a musical project that brings together the brothers Pedro and Diogo Garcia at around 22:45.
From midnight onwards, DJ Nélio Fabrício enters the scene, who will liven up the crowd until 4 am.
But this night is also made of Christmas colors and flavours. The municipal market opens at 6 am for the sale of vegetables, branches and Christmas delicacies. It is the night that many take advantage of to do some shopping with the county’s farmers.
On the seafront of the village, there will also be the typical food and drink stalls with bread, liqueurs, sandwiches, poncha and the delicacies that characterise Christmas in Madeira.