Plane breaches wind limits. Flight of the Spanish company Binter, from Tenerife, was one of the few that landed, on Tuesday, at Madeira Airport. Case was reported by the control tower and is already under investigation by ANAC. In turn, the Regional Government wants to resume reviewing the limits with Lisbon.
As reported Albuquerque wants to again look at changing the wind speeds, saying a difference of 5 knots could let 80% of the flights land.
Despite clarifying that this review process returned to “square zero” with the departure of Pedro Nuno Santos from the Government of the Republic, Miguel Albuquerque guarantees that as soon as he has the opportunity he will address this matter with the current Minister of Infrastructure, João Galamba.
“We have already sent the request to the Ministry and as soon as I have direct contact with the Minister I will talk about this matter, because I think it is in fact very important”, he underlined.