Ruben Aguiar rejoices in the removal of the crime of attempted qualified murder

“The crime of attempted qualified murder, which I was being accused of, has dropped.” This is what Ruben Aguiar, a Madeiran singer, says in a post made this afternoon on his Facebook account.

According to him, “the video of the accident was essential for the Honorable Judge to verify that there was no attempted murder”, he adds.

Turning to the attack, he says: “As everyone knows, this matter was highly publicized and now that crime has fallen and I am not being accused of attempted qualified homicide, the media simply does not convey the truth to the Portuguese people. It was a error in the framing of the crime.”

Ruben Aguiar insists: “Once again I say, there was a clear intention to defame my person. The proof of this is the failure to communicate the truth. It was a campaign of insults and defamation, in the most diverse media.”

It ends by thanking “everyone for the support and affection”, wishing “a good weekend!”

From Diário Notícias