Miguel Albuquerque comes to monitor the fight against fires on the ground

The President of the Regional Government decided to interrupt his holidays in Porto Santo to come to Madeira to monitor, on the ground, the fight against the fires that are affecting the municipalities of Ribeira Brava and Câmara de Lobos and have already forced people to evacuate their homes.

Miguel Albuquerque is travelling on the Lobo Martinho ship, which leaves Porto Santo at 8:00 pm. The President of the Regional Government opted for the sea voyage as it is not guaranteed that flights between the two islands will take place.

The fires started on Wednesday in Serra de Água and today have already reached the higher areas of Câmara de Lobos, Curral das Freitas and forced several people to evacuate their homes.

There are several fire brigades on the ground and the air force is operating on several fronts. It was announced that a special fire brigade with 80 members is expected to arrive from the mainland today.

From Diário Notícias