The Christmas light fiasco rolls on as now the secretary of Tourism has given the company another week.
Not being funny but I personally think everything for Christmas should be in place for the first week of December.
This is just a straight copy from the Diario of what C.E has to say.
The Regional Secretary for Culture, Tourism and Transport, Conceição student, revealed today that it has “a new term” the Luzoesfera company to meet the burden of Christmas lights notebook and Year End Madeira.
Illuminations this year caused some discontent in the population and criticism on social networks, mainly due to shortage of colors, as in bright ornaments predominates white.
In a visit made to the Christmas animation area in the center of Funchal, Conception student told reporters that “the parties” were gathered today at the Registry of Tourism, it was decided “to the deadline of Friday [19 December] “to the company to run project designed by architect Paulo David.
“Today there was a meeting at the Regional Secretariat with all parties involved in the process and, given the public interest in finding some more project plots which are not completed, was given another deadline to next Friday,” he said.
The Regional Secretary considered that this period is the maximum acceptable limit for intervention and to give the possibility to the company that is developing the facility to enter the corrections in the project and complete it according to the specifications, so that the desired effect is achieved from the 19th of December.
Conception student indicated that between the corrections to the company’s enforceable, is enhanced light intensity at Funchal quay, placement of trees in the Town Hall Square, compliance with the colors that were defined, some changes in Avenue Infante and “other streets of Funchal, particularly in terms of balconies and eaves.”
“There is still much work that can and should be done and we understand that this was to grant more time to the company given the public interest in the case has,” he added.
Conception student said that “failure is the company [Luzoesfera belonging to SIRAM Group], because the contract is very clear” since “who runs the project is the contractor, who responded to an open procedure and therefore has the obligation to comply, in full, the specifics were given, in particular in terms of color, and there are areas where it is not applied the color that was requested and all that it is our responsibility. “
“The responsibility of the regional office is at the end of the installation, assess what has been done and what was not done and act accordingly,” he said. The Madeira Regional Government invests this year more than 2.5 million euros in the Christmas and New Year, with 1,119,400 euros for lighting and 1.046 million for the spectacle of fireworks.
The lighting project designed by architect Paulo David, who, according to himself, “aims to highlight the historical and cultural values of Funchal city,” cost 98,000 euros, “far from the 300,000 euros in previous years” required by Luzoesfera.