A Renowned choir from the island of Madeira will be going to Bridgwater next week.
In 2019, Bridgwater twinned with the town of Camacha on the Portuguese island of Madeira, and as part of their visit last year the mayor Cllr Tony Heywood was accompanied by the 40-strong Voice of the People Community Choir from Bridgwater.
While there the choir took part in the Funchal International Choirs Festival, and this month the Coro De Camara Da Madeira is paying Bridgwater a return visit.
Using Bridgwater as a base, the choir will be travelling to venues around the county, starting with a performance at Bridgwater Arts Centre on Saturday, March 7, joined by the Voice of the People Choir.
Founded in 1971 by students from the old Academy of Music in Madeira, the Chamber Choir had as their first Artistic Director the renowned Professor Renate von Schenkendorff.
The choir regularly participate in choral festivals within and outside the country,being highly regarded as cultural ambassadors for the region, and promoting Madeiran culture worldwide.
The Chamber Choir of Madeira have three performances lined up on their visit to Somerset.
On Saturday, March 7 at 12.30pm they will appear at Christ Church in Frome as part of the town’s climate change festival.
Later than evening, the choir perform at Bridgwater Arts Centre at 8pm, with tickets now on sale from £7.50.
Then on Tuesday, March 10 at 12.45pm the Chamber Choir will be performing at St Mary Magdalene Church in Taunton.