The images were released on Thursday morning and already have thousands of views. It is a video produced by Marcelino Teles, which gives life to the well-known figure of the comedian Compadre Jodé. Over the course of a few minutes, the full potential of the Ribeira do Faial valley is displayed with images taken from the mouth.

Video: Compadre Jodé’s Facebook

The crystal clear waters, the rock formations that protect the cove and the waves that enter the riverside contribute to a very pleasant picture. In addition to all this, the video by Marcelino Teles also shows a very blue sky painted with few clouds and the green of the valley of the Ribeira do Faial and the respective slopes.

“Faial beach, it looked like the Côte d’Azur of France’s fraguezêa”, concludes the humorist Compadre Jodé.

From JM