The Judicial Police, through the Criminal Investigation Department of Madeira, arrested a 64-year-old man today, heavily accused of committing a felony of qualified homicide, a felony of homicide in the attempted form and a felony of possession of a prohibited weapon.
The suspect, after committing the crime, fled, being located and intercepted by the Funchal PSP, and these facts were communicated to the Judiciary Police, given the nature of the crimes in question.
It should be underlined that the PSP’s collaboration, both in activating an extended device, in preserving evidence and in supporting subsequent investigations, was essential to strongly indicate the circumstances of the crimes and allow the rapid presentation of the facts to the Authorities Competent judiciary.
The crime occurred in the early hours of today, November 21, in the city of Funchal, and the victims were hit by gunfire.
The detainee will be present today for the first judicial interrogation to apply the coercion measures considered appropriate.