The Regional Government added 16 paragraphs to the regime for the exception of the measure banning circulation on public roads between 11 pm and 5 am, as of midnight.
The Emergency Council, meeting this morning on an extraordinary basis at Quinta Vigia, determined that “as long as the state of emergency is in force or there are municipalities at high risk, circulation in the Autonomous Region of Madeira is prohibited from 11 pm to 5am”, establishing the exceptions to the new measures to prevent the contagion of Covid-19.
Thus, health professionals and other workers from health and social support institutions, as well as civil protection agents, military personnel, inspectors from the Regional Economic Activities Authority (ARAE) and security forces can move freely during that night.
The exception also covers “cult ministers”, “diplomatic and consular mission staff”, as well as “all travel for health reasons”.
The “emergency reception of victims of domestic violence or trafficking in human beings”, “assistance to vulnerable people or people with disabilities” and “fulfillment of parental responsibilities” are also protected by the exception regime.
The same happens with urgent medical-veterinary assistance; the exercise of freedom of the press or short walks and pets. “Professional travel, as attested by a declaration”, is also an exception to the norm.
The “return to the home within the scope of the admitted journeys”, the “journeys to the airport for passenger embarkation and disembarkation”, the “journeys in public transport, taxis and TVDE, within the scope of the exceptions allowed in this paragraph”, are also permitted.
There are also “other reasons of force majeure, provided that they prove to be unavoidable or justified”, which constitute exceptions to the ban on driving between 11 pm and 5 am