This isn’t going to go away anytime soon, as much as the Tourism Board want it to, and I will continue to post until we have answers.
The controversy is going to last. As if the
questionable communicative-aesthetic aspect of the new Madeira brand, expressed in its controversial logo, were not enough, negative
opinions are currently “boiling” social
networks and not only regarding the amounts paid by the Regional Government : 560 thousand euros by direct agreement, to the company BAR Bontempo, Anahory e Ralha – Servigos Criativos, SA
Dated December 2017, the contract provided for execution in 255 days. Only now will the result have been presented. The Regional Government has already advanced that the total invested in this new action to promote the Region, in total, is around one million euros. But there are many voices criticizing these expenses, considered exaggerated, and
setting the example that the font chosen for the psychedelic logo, difficult to decipher, has been around for a long time and that only small changes were made to it . . . to charge a fee of this amount.
An option considered by many (from
hoteliers to designers or visual artists or
people connected with marketing) to be
totally inadequate.
Also, the almost total absence of
resentatives from the hotel and tourist
activities sector in the presentation that took place in downtown Funchal is being
criticized. There is no shortage of people who believe that this governmental option was unilateral, despite the Regional Government justifying that the
strategy now presented results from
consultation with professionals in RAM.