Thanks to Dietmar Weiß for this info.
Enclosed you find my most recent diagrams for Portugal.
Unfortunately, due to reorganisations at SESARAM’s website, I have currently lost track on the county-specific data on Madeira.
But I have added a new chart “fatality incidence” on the Portuguese level that may spread a touch of hope that the incidence situation with Omicron might really not be as bad as the numbers of proven infections seem to tell.
Best regards
Both Portugal and Madeira have experienced the “vertical wall of incidence incline” that has been prognosed in December for the new “Omicron” variant of the Covid-19 virus. In order to give a full overview, I have enlarged the horizontal axis to a full year’s time, so that everyone can compare the current situation with that of last January.
The diagram now shows incidence values formerly regarded as “impossible”, and our sense for previously relevant threshold values has completely gone lost.
But another diagram can provide us with a hint that things might – eventually – not develop as catastrophic as seen from the number of reported infections: The fatality-per-week-and- population has remained on a level that is even lower than during the “second wave” of the Pandemia last January. (The “Fatality incidence” is being calculated the same way as the “infection incidence”, comparing todays values with those from last week and putting this in relation to the total population headcount.)
So, we keep hoping that the number of fatalities – which will inevitably rise a bit during the next weeks – might remain much lower than last year, giving the Portuguese Portuguese healthcare system enough room to adequately care for all those in need.
More important than ever before in this Pandemia, it remains essential to protect yourself and all your neighbouring persons by keeping facemasks on, avoiding unnecessary contact with too many people in crowded locations, taking all available vaccinations and frequently testing for the virus.