Ocean Devotion Madeira, a voluntary group of young leaders working for ocean conservation and literacy, will launch, today, at around 7 pm, at Barreirinha Bar Café, a regional petition requesting a moratorium on mining exploration in the deep sea of ​​Madeira, following other petitions that have already been defended nationally and internationally on this topic.

“Defending a moratorium means asking for a precautionary pause and/or ban on the possibility of starting mining in deep waters, because there is still a great lack of knowledge about this fantastic ecosystem and its species. Also, this activity could ecologically disturb this mysterious marine ecosystem and cause an irreversible impact on its balance”, explains the group, in a note sent to the editorial office.

“Together we can protect our beautiful Madeiran waters from this practice and defend this declaration at national and international level with other countries that are already doing it”, calls for Ocean Devotion Madeira.

It should be noted that the launch of this petition at Barreirinha Bar Café will feature the artist Eunice Pereira, who will present a petition entitled HOPE, which can be seen until the end of the month in that space.

Marco Lima, together with students from Fora de Zona, will also perform the theatrical performance “SOS Deep Sea”. 

The performance will be enriched by musical demonstrations by Post Fatima, Li-Polymer and Salty Man.

From Jornal Madeira

The entire event will be a result of the partnership between Ocean Devotion Madeira and O Desvio, for believing in the power of art to communicate about the most important themes of the 21st century.