In view of the red alert issued by the IPMA , the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change (SRAAC), through the Institute of Forests and Nature Conservation (IFCN) warns that “it is necessary to adopt cautious conduct in the use of the forest space, avoiding risky behavior that could endanger people and a heritage that belongs to all of us”.
It informs, therefore, that “it is forbidden to carry out any type of burning and bonfire in forest space”, as well as “all leisure areas in forest space will be closed and it will be forbidden to carry out bonfires even in these spaces”.
Likewise, the forest road that connects Eira do Serrado to Pico do Areeiro will be closed “as a preventive measure”.
The IFCN also says that “in rural areas, the use of equipment that may cause sparks (motor brushcutters with discs, chainsaws, tractors without exhaust protections, bush-breaking heads, angle grinders, welding machines, among others) should be avoided”.
In view of the risk of fire, the SRAAC, through the IFCN, states that: “it will further strengthen its means of surveillance and first intervention in forest and natural areas, all fire surveillance towers will be active 24 hours a day and surveillance will be reinforced with Forest Police, Forestry Sappers, Nature Watchers and IFCN Operational Assistants”.
The population is also asked to “stay alert and in case of fire immediately alert the authorities”.
These recommendations are reinforced by the Directive Council of the Regional Civil Protection Service, which, in light of the warnings, “recommends the adequacy of behavior and attitudes in the face of the situation of rural fire danger, namely with the adoption of the necessary preventive and precautionary measures”.