Schools on the island of Madeira will be closed tomorrow, Jorge Carvalho has just announced.
The regional education secretary justified the decision with the fact that a “critical period” is foreseen between 6 and 9 am, a period in which many guardians are on their way to schools to drop off their children.
The closure applies to all schools on the island of Madeira and all levels of education. Guardianship is not responsible for justifications for parents who have no one to leave their children with, pointing out that “we all have imponderable situations” that prevent anyone from showing up at work.
At stake are about 40 thousand students who will stay at home tomorrow, everything returning to normal next Wednesday. “The safety of this human mass”, which also includes 6,000 teachers and another 4,000 employees, was what weighed most in the decision to close, pointed out Jorge Carvalho.
The History and Geography assessment test was scheduled for tomorrow, for 5th grade students, which will not be held.
There are classes this Tuesday on the island of Porto Santo.