The information has not yet been communicated, but JM knows that the decision is about to come into force, as is legally foreseen in situations like the one in Madeira.
The growing patch of burned area and the fact that the fire has already reached two contiguous municipalities leads the Madeiran executive to take charge of the situation at a regional level.
The information has not yet been officially confirmed, but JM knows that the Regional Government is preparing to take on the firefighting strategy in a coordinated manner and through the Regional Civil Protection Service.
The Regional Civil Protection Emergency Plan for the Autonomous Region of Madeira should soon be active, which is justified by the imminence of a serious accident or catastrophe with high damage to the population, as provided for in the regional regulations for this area of intervention.
The decision, which should be announced shortly, makes the Regional Civil Protection Service responsible for the following actions to be carried out in a coordinated manner and not under different municipal guidelines.
The Regional Civil Protection Emergency Plan must be implemented based on several criteria, one of which is the activation of two or more Municipal Emergency Plans or the existence of forest fires lasting more than 36 hours or a burned area exceeding 1000 hectares.