Thanks to all that have brought me coffee (as some money goes to pet food) and sent a donation for pet food, as this helps so much for this charity on the north coast. I’m hoping to get some more food there Feb/March time. I always by the food when I see it on offer of 50% although 35% seems more common now.
A message from Jerry at Friends of 4 Patinhas.
Old Mother Hubbard, went to the cupboard,
to get her poor dogs a bone…..
and when she got there the cupboard wasn’t bare, because an Angel named Tobi
had already been there……!!!!!
On behalf of those that have no words and all the volunteers at Friends of Four Patinhas Sao Vicente, a hundred Thank Yous.
Even this seems inadequate and still not enough to express our gratitude for your generosity of time and resources as you continue to unselfishly support our pet food collections.
Friends of Four Patinhas is a grass roots volunteer association advocating on behalf of the homeless, neglected and abandoned cats and dogs on the North Coast of Madeira,
Merry and Happy Christmas to all!