Charity Walkathon

There will be a walkathon Sunday, April 7 starting at 11:30 AM at Santa Catarina Park to raise funds for the charity people helping people.

The walk is titled the Orange walk in honor of Father Bernardino, who recently passed away after serving as the priest at the chapel of Peña de França for many years.

He started the group PHP or people helping people after the great flood of 2010 where he noticed much assistance was needed to help those in need.

He continued PHP and now his grand nephew, Alex continues the much needed program. With the assistance of volunteers, all monies donated are used to help people who fall through the cracks of government assistance and are given much needed medicines, toiletries, paying for utilities, or maybe a simple, comforting word and encouragement.
All are welcome to participate to raise funds for PHP and maybe walk off some of that Easter chocolate!

You can download a sponsorship sheet on the website or just show up for a beautiful, fun event in the sun.