An average of Lightning every 24 seconds from midnight on Friday until noon on Sunday.
Between the early hours of Saturday morning (00 hours) and the end of Sunday morning (12 hours) the strong thunderstorm that hit the Madeira Region – a radius of 300 kilometers around the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo – provided 5,427 lightning strikes , equivalent to the occurrence of a lightning strike every 24 seconds for 36 consecutive hours.
The electrifying spectacle that lit up the weekend nights took place mainly in the eastern part of Madeira. In total, the thunderstorm detectors of the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) recorded 6,854 atmospheric electrical discharges (3,422 intra-clouds; 2,706 negative rays; 726 positive rays) within a radius of 300 km, between 00:00 on Friday fair and noon on Sunday (two and a half days).