The Socialist Party councilor at the Porto Santo City Council questioned the mayor of the municipality today regarding the continuity of the air connection between Madeira and Porto Santo, taking into account that it is currently not possible to book trips from the next day onwards 22nd of this month.
Miguel Brito recalls that, in the past, due to constraints related to the tender procedure, the Government of the Republic always ensured the extension of the concession, ensuring that connections were never interrupted, but, at this moment, there is no response from the new Executive to this respect. “As of the 22nd of April, Porto-Santenses and Madeirans who want to use this line do not have travel arrangements guaranteed and there is no clear response from the Municipality, the Regional Government or the now Central Government in order to guarantee this connection”, noted the socialist.
Miguel Brito notes that, until recently, the President of the Chamber was one of the most active voices regarding the need to resolve this problem, but now that the PSD is in the Government of the Republic, he is unable to provide a response to put an end to it. to this concern of the people of Porto Santo and guarantee the continuity of connections.
Now that the Prime Minister is coming to the Region and that the President of the Regional Government has already said that he also wants to meet with the Minister of Infrastructure, the socialist councilor challenges the government official to address this issue and give a guarantee to the people of Porto Santo.