The most exciting airport to land in the world is Madeira

Known worldwide for difficult landings, now a positive ranking.

“Funchal, in Madeira, takes first place as the airport with the most exciting landing”, announces a press release from a British communications company, ‘digital loft’, based on data collected from YouTube and calculated by interaction on the Internet.

The note says that “the airport, which stands out for its rugged terrain and exposure to lateral winds, obtained a score of 9.55/10”, since “due to the complexity of landing in Funchal, pilots need special training and certification, which may help explain the interest in airport landings on Google with a total of 79,340 searches”, he adds.

As can be seen in the table, Madeira Airport, because it is “situated at the end of the island overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, the runway, which had to be extended, has spectacular views, but pilots often face challenging weather conditions. Landings at the airport have accumulated 35 million views on YouTube”, he guarantees.

The work carried out by aviation lovers, namely the members of Madeira Airport Spotting, has contributed to this fame by publicizing some of these operations daily. The airport and its landing conditions do the main work. A recent video, on a YouTube page that already has more than 410 thousand subscribers, has almost 2 million views.

“London Heathrow follows behind in second place with a score of 8.79/10. The airport, located in the English capital, is famous for its approach, which allows passengers to see iconic monuments such as the London Eye, the River Thames and the Palace from above. of Buckingham”, he highlights. “It was revealed that the airport attracted a total of 47,890 Google searches and is famous for its complex location, with pilots having to navigate some of the most congested airspace in the world. Flying over densely populated areas, the main video of the airport landing received 5,900,000 views on YouTube.”