“Unsustainable” situation leads health centers to apply “public pressure” to stop ungovernability in the Region

United, the Casas de Saúde Câmara Pestana, Sagrada Família, and S. João de Deus reiterated, today, the appeal to the deputies, the governance of Madeira, the Diocese and the population to resolve the ungovernability that persists in the archipelago, a situation which will put into question the financing and, in turn, operation of these institutions, which treat more than 800 users.

It is the political crisis and the presumed loss of the regional budget for the current year that scares these care providers in the area of ​​psychiatrists, since, as they highlighted, it represents a “serious and high risk of current disruption to Mental Health in Madeira” .

In a press conference called by the three institutions, the concern about the “very great uncertainty” and the difficulty of investing in mental health in the Region was reaffirmed, and this initiative was used to apply “public pressure” to end this “unsustainable” situation. , as highlighted by Ricardo Gomes, director of Casa de Saúde Câmara Pestana.

“It is a question of responsibility, respect and humanity”, added Eduardo Lemos, director of the Casa de Saúde de São João de Deus, who calls for a responsible attitude on the part of the government, but also the opposition.

“With the non-approval of the budget, we will not be able to continue the treatment plan”, pointed out the person responsible, further warning that unless the support given is reinforced, several crucial treatments could be interrupted and postponed, especially those necessary for acute patients. , which “cannot be left until tomorrow”.

From Jornal Madeira