IFCN regrets that tourists disregard signs on hiking trails closed due to fires

The Institute of Forests and Nature Conservation (IFCN), in a statement, regrets that “many tourists have not complied with the closure of classified hiking trails, especially the PR1 Vereda do Areeiros”, despite the information having been published in various media.

“During the day, the IFCN kept IFCN members (Forest Police, Forest Firefighters and other staff) to inform the numerous tourists and prevent them from entering the trail, but they often try to get around this closure and enter other places on the closed trail. It is impossible to have IFCN staff permanently at the entrances and exits of the trails when resources are needed to prevent and combat forest fires,” it can be read.

The IFCN reminds you that there are several routes that are closed as a preventive measure and for safety reasons, namely PR 1 – Vereda do Areeiro, PR 1.3. – Vereda da Encumeada, PR 2 – Vereda do Urzal and PR 12 – Caminho Real da Encumeada.

From Jornal Madeira

Let’s be honest if you are on holiday you are not going to be looking at news, and it’s down to the authorities to have people in place, to prevent people starting the hikes, and on the spot fines issued , for those that do not comply .