Madeira asks Lisbon for reinforcement of 45 firefighters

Firefighters are expected to arrive in the region this Wednesday, revealed the president of Madeira Civil Protection. 

A new reinforcement of 45 more operatives from the mainland is expected to arrive in the Madeira region this Wednesday, after the fire ravaging the land progressed and reached Pico Ruivo last night.

“The worst scenario we have at the moment is the one resulting from the spread of the [fire] in Curral das Freiras, which progressed through the central mountain range of the region and reached Pico Ruivo. This is a very complex area. It is not possible to act in this area due to the conditions of the terrain”, the president of the Regional Civil Protection Service told Lusa news agency.

“Given the unfavorable developments in this situation, the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority [ANEPC] was asked to increase the number of personnel from the mainland and we are expected to receive another 45 people today,” he added.

According to António Nunes, the use of helicopters on site will have to be evaluated.

“The operation of aerial resources at these altitudes is quite complex. It is not something that can be done in a easy way. We have to make an assessment and see if the pilots and the helicopter are capable of doing it, as winds at that altitude are very erratic and we do not want to have another problem with the loss of the helicopter,” he said.

Regarding other areas of the island, according to António Nunes, in Serra de Água, in Ponta do Sol, the fire is evolving favorably.

“We hope that we can finish that front today. There are 64 operatives on site, with the support of 16 resources. In Curral das Freiras, which yesterday [Tuesday] was a major concern due to the residences there, we currently have no problems. We have personnel on standby, who have built firebreaks to prevent the fire from spreading down the slope to protect the homes,” he said.

At around 8:00 am, 22 operators were on site, with the support of seven ground vehicles.

According to António Nunes, the operatives are trying to contain the progression to more problematic areas, with 11 operatives on site, with the support of five resources.

From Diário Notícias