PS considers that PSD is “in free fall” and that it intends to “strike to guarantee survival”

Unfortunately Cafôfo is as bad as Albuquerque,  and has been, or still is being investigated for corruption .

This morning, the PS criticized the proposal to revise the Electoral Law for the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of Madeira presented by the PSD. The socialists consider that it represents a “coup”, so that the party can guarantee its survival and return to the absolute majorities that it has been losing since 2019.

Paulo Cafôfo, in a press conference, accused the PSD-Madeira of only thinking about itself and of being afraid of the popular vote. “I would even say that not even Maduro would do the same in Venezuela”, he said, expressing the socialists’ opposition to the social-democratic proposal, which “aims to create local constituencies and a compensation constituency to attack party representation in Parliament”.

The president of the PS believes that the PSD is in despair and, therefore, “is trying, in the secretariat, to carry out a coup typical of totalitarian regimes”. “The PSD’s only intention, being in free fall, whether in the number of votes or in the loss of absolute majority, is to carry out this coup”, he reinforced.

In this sense, yesterday, a proposal to revise the Electoral Law, designed by the PS, was submitted, which foresees the current 47 deputies, and an Emigration constituency, with two deputies. The socialists consider it essential to comply with the law of parity in the composition of lists for regional elections, as well as early voting in mobility.

Reinforcing criticism of the PSD, Paulo Cafôfo noted the fact that, in the Ad Hoc Committee for Deepening Autonomy and Reforming the Political System, the priority of the social democrats was not to revise the Regional Finance Law, for which there was already a common text approved in 2022 at ALRAM. Something that, he noted, reveals that “the PSD does not want to deepen Autonomy, does not really want to lower taxes and is only concerned with its survival, changing the law to try to obtain the absolute majorities that it cannot obtain with the current law”.