Chega today accused the Government of the Republic of hiding information that it considers crucial in relation to criminals, namely their nationality, religion, ethnicity and document status. This accusation arises from the “lack of will demonstrated by the current government to revoke a statement from the Council of Ministers of the previous government, which determined that the security forces – PSP, GNR and Polícia Judiciária – as well as the media, should not identify these individuals in public records and communications”.
For Francisco Gomes, a member of parliament elected by CH-Madeira, this constitutes an “unacceptable cover-up maneuver, which compromises transparency and reinforces the climate of insecurity” in the country. The parliamentarian also considered the strategy an attack on the integrity of information and the right of citizens to know the reality that surrounds them.
“This deliberate concealment of the nationality and religion of criminals aims to perpetuate a state of ignorance in the population, which is robbed, raped and attacked daily, while the government, complicit in its omission, limits itself to camouflaging the truth so as not to be confronted with the disaster that has been uncontrolled immigration”, considers the deputy to the Assembly of the Republic.
Furthermore, criticism is also directed at the “open door policy”, something that, in his view, undermines national sovereignty and exposes the country to risks. In this sense, he accused the government of flagrant negligence in its responsibilities to guarantee the security and stability of communities.
The CH believes that the Government is abandoning the Portuguese people to their own fate, “in an environment of growing insecurity”. “The government should be ashamed of itself for allowing the country to sink into this scenario of chaos, in which citizens’ rights are ignored in the name of an irresponsible ideological agenda, which treats criminals as poor souls. It is imperative to reverse this madness and adopt a policy that values borders, national identity and security”, concludes the Madeiran MP.