Social Security building in Funchal becomes “drug shelter” (with video)

The Social Security building, located on Rua do Bom Jesus, in Funchal, has been falling into disrepair and is being transformed into a makeshift dormitory and drug consumption area. Located above the main garage for vehicles belonging to the Regional Secretariat for Health and Civil Protection, the space is littered with rubbish associated with the consumption of illicit substances every weekend, as well as a nauseating smell of urine and faeces, raising public health concerns.

A JM reader sent a video that highlights the seriousness of the situation. In the video, you can see coins, silver paper, lighters, rolling papers, toilet paper, an abundance of rubbish and cardboard used as makeshift beds. According to the whistleblower, the place is often occupied by homeless people and drug addicts, who use the space not only to spend the night, but also as a kind of “public toilet”.

Despite the fact that cleaning teams intervene every Monday to remove the waste accumulated over the weekend, the situation persists. The whistleblower believes that, although the PSP has already made a few visits to the site, a more concerted effort is needed to resolve this social and public health problem.

From Jornal Madeira