A cat was rescued in Monte, “hairless, with several wounds, mange, sick and with one eye in a very bad condition”, by Ajuda a Alimentar Cães.
The animal was found by members of the association, who were not indifferent to its condition: “He was lucky enough to come across one of the members of the Help to Feed Dogs Association. We are overwhelmed and in a lot of debt. We gave him food, he ate and were going to continue on our journey because we are unable to save any more animals due to lack of donations, but we were unable to do so. He is in a really bad state and needed treatment. He was taken to the clinic where he needs to start treatment urgently,” he says in a post on social media.
The organization confesses that it cannot afford the veterinary care that Marmelo, the name they gave the cat, needs. “We really don’t have any, and that’s why today we ask, and we shamelessly ask for your help” –
They add they have no idea how much the treatment will cost and that he will be hospitalized for weeks.
The details for donations are on the association’s online pages.