“In Madeira, alleged cases of corruption and defendants linked to them continue to be a normal occurrence under this (mis)government led by the arrogant and overbearing Miguel Albuquerque.” This is what the Reagir Incluir Reciclar – Madeira party says, in relation to the current position of Bruno Freitas, who now provides consultancy services to the public company ARM, and the political crisis in Madeira.
“Even though the court, in the context of the ‘Ab Initio’ case, has ordered Bruno Freitas’ removal from his public office at IA Saúde, a solution is immediately found to keep him linked to the system, giving him a position that is nothing more, nothing less than that of an advisor to the ARM. In other words, the court orders his removal from a public office, but this (mis)government, in the full exercise of its sovereignty, keeps him in another public office! Even though the process is still ongoing, it is a case of saying that ‘crime pays’ and in this way this network of corrupt power is maintained”, criticizes the RIR, through a statement signed by Liana Reis, regional coordinator of the RIR.
In the Legislative Assembly of Madeira, instead of seeing work, what we have are several circus acts, and its always the way that Miguel Albuquerque and company “do what they want”.
“There is talk at a national level about the political crisis in Madeira, but here in this core of the orange kingdom everything is fine! Even if the government changes, nothing will change, because within this kingdom everything is under control! Whether by the former leaders or the current ones!” she asserts.