JPP denounces “brutal increase” in the price of water for irrigation

Juntos Pelo Povo denounced this Wednesday, January 29, the “brutal increase” in the price of water for irrigating agricultural land in 2025.
Keep in mind this has already increased 400% in the last 2 years, a friend use to pay 18.00 euros, and was increased to 55.00, and then to 74.00

In a statement issued, the party points out that “farmers will see a 151% increase in the price of water for irrigating agricultural land this year. This increase is accompanied by another, of 12%, for water for domestic consumption, and which last December generated heated opposition from some mayors”.

The party states that, in the case of water for irrigation “with an increase of 151%”, “if in 2024, the ARM tariff had a price of 16.78 euros per year for each hour of contract, in 2025 this value rises to 42.13 euros”.

For the secretary-general of Juntos Pelo Povo (JPP), this is “a brutal increase for those who need this precious asset for agricultural activity, a decision that will affect the low incomes of farmers and, on the other hand, further increase the brutal cost of essential goods that families have been bearing on a daily basis”.

With the new table, the JPP points out, “a farmer who has 50 hours of water for irrigation per year (2 hours every 15 days) paid 839 euros in 2024. The same amount of water in 2025 will cost him 2,106.50 euros, that is, he will pay 1,267.50 euros more”.

“There is no situation that justifies such an increase, it is a way of taking money from those who already have very little, it is a profound injustice”, says Élvio Sousa.

The JPP leader takes the table applied to farmers and compares it with the water supplied to golf courses, “whose increase is in the order of 31.8%”.

“There is no sense of justice in this decision, the lack of criteria is incomprehensible”, says Élvio Sousa.

“For a lucrative tourism activity, they apply a tariff 120% lower than that required for a low-income activity, but which is essential for having products on the table and taking care of our landscape. These are the government priorities of Miguel Albuquerque and Rafaela Fernandes,” he concludes. 

From Diário Notícias