Restaurant riots culminate in arrest of illegal immigrant in Funchal

The Madeira PSP Regional Command reported that, yesterday, a 36-year-old man of foreign nationality was arrested for being in an irregular situation in the national territory.

According to the statement, the arrest occurred after police intervened at a restaurant located in Santo António, Funchal, due to reports of disturbances at the location. The officers identified the suspect, who was allegedly causing disturbances in the establishment’s operation.

However, the PSP reports that during the approach, it found that the man did not have documents. “A police search was carried out which determined his illegal presence in national territory, given that his initial request for a temporary residence permit had been rejected on 22 April 2024”, it clarifies, also adding that the individual had already been notified by the Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA) to voluntarily leave national territory, but did not comply with the order, “thus configuring a situation of disobedience which led to his arrest”.

The detainee was brought before the court today, where he was subject to the coercive measure of periodic appearances at a police station while the removal process conducted by AIMA is carried out.

From Diário Notícias