‘Pulsar Económico’ is Rui Anacleto’s daily heading on JM and 88.8 jmfm. Take a look at your tips on holidays and bridging this year:
As always, on the first day of the year we look at the calendar to see where the holidays are, the long weekends, and the possibility of scheduling a mini-vacation in 2020, which is a leap year. February has 29 days, so every four years to keep the annual calendar in line with Earth’s translation, to keep the right accounts.
For starters, the only holiday in January is just today and we leave for February. Carnival is a reason for conversation every year because Tuesday is not considered a holiday before the law, but the truth is that many Portuguese mark this day as such. By 2020, Carnival Tuesday is February 25th.
In March there is only the possibility of enjoying the weekends as best as you can and, already in April, Good Friday is celebrated on the 10th, which means that Easter Sunday is on the 12th. This year April 25th is on a Saturday, so the next holiday is May 1st, Labor Day, on a Friday.
This year the holidays of Portugal Day and the Corpo de Deus are on consecutive days, June 10 and 11, Wednesday and Thursday. I can see a lot of people will take the Friday as a bridging day to make a nice long break.
From June we move to October, this is because in July and September there are no holidays and, on August 15, Assumption Day of Our Lady, this year is on a Saturday.
The 5th of October, the day of the Implantação da República is marked on a Monday and, already in November, All Saints’ Day is on a Sunday in 2020.
The latest bridging opportunities arrive only in the last month of the year. It is the 1st and 8th of December, the days of the Restoration of Independence and the Immaculate Conception, both scheduled for a Tuesday.
Finally, the Christmas and New Year mini-holidays come. December 25th and January 1st, 2021 are on Friday.