66% of directors and heads of service resign from their positions in the Madeira Health Service

Looks like our 3rd world health service is having a shake up…

More than 30 directors and heads of services of the Madeira Health Service (SESARAM) decided to resign from their posts in protest against the appointment of Mário Pereira to the clinical direction of SESARAM, which is equivalent to 66% of the leadership.

This was the conclusion transmitted a few moments ago, through the reading of a short statement, by the cardiologist, António Drumond, after the meeting that brought together about 30 doctors, at the headquarters of the Order of Doctors in Funchal, in what was the second meeting that the group of contesting doctors of the appointment of Mário Pereira as clinical director maintained this week.

Just as the Diário Notícias had already advanced last Sunday, a group of doctors, mostly service directors, senior graduated assistants, former clinical directors, SESARAM presidents and even former regional health secretaries, met yesterday and issued a statement in which they claim that the appointment of the former CDS deputy is illegal and contest the partisanship of the clinical area, stating that it may cause instability.